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“ʿAṭṭār was the soul and Sanā’ī his two eyes. We came in the footsteps of Sanā’ī and ʿAṭṭār." – Sultan Walad (son of Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī)

Dive into the illustrious life and profound legacy of Ḥakīm Sanā’ī (approx. 1075–1150 CE), the renowned poet from Ghazni. This enlightening talk delves deep into Sanā’ī’s travels, spiritual transformations, and unparalleled influence on Sufi poetry and Persian literature.

Video is coming soon

In this talk, you will discover:

  • Sanā’ī’s indelible mark on Sufism and his pioneering role in the development of Persian mystical poetry.
  • His influence on iconic poets like Rūmī and Farīdud-Dīn ʿAṭṭār.
  • Insights into Sanā’ī’s famed work, “Ḥadīqat al-Ḥaqīqah” (“The Garden of Truth”) and its impact on Sufi literature.
  • His extensive travels to centers of learning and how they contributed to his enlightenment.
  • Notable verses from Sanā’ī’s Diwan, shedding light on his philosophies and poetic genius.
  • Anecdotes from Sanā’ī’s life that signified turning points in his spiritual journey, including his intriguing confrontation with a drunken ascetic, and stories from Sanā’ī’s writings that illustrate his views on justice, governance, and the human soul.

Presented by Dr. Dawood Azami – acclaimed BBC journalist, respected scholar, and expert in South-Central Asian and Middle Eastern history, culture, and affairs – this talk offers a comprehensive view of Sanā’ī’s immense contributions and the timeless wisdom of his words.

For further information on our speaker, Dr. Dawood Azami, see:

The talk was introduced by Mrs. Fatima Gailani and followed by a panel session, including Dr. Azami and Mrs. Gailani.

Hakim Sanai

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